Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Boxing Day

So, just after Christmas, someone asked me (who it was I now do not remember) what boxing day meant, what it celebrated. Well, at the time I had no clue, and have not until just now. This short article courtesy of kiltday.com So, whomever it was, revel in this new found information, and celebrate boxing day this year!

December 26: Boxing Day or St. Stephen's Day
Boxing Day is a traditional day in Scotland, most of the UK and many commonwealth countries. On the same date, St. Stephen's Day and the Second Day of Christmas are celebrated throughout much of Europe. It is usually the first weekday after Christmas, whether that is 12/26 or not. Traditionally, it is a day when the Landlords or merchants gave the leftovers from their Christmas supper in a box, to their servants or the local peasants. So, why not be a Scottish peasant and live high on the hog; break out your most tattered and well-worn kilt, clean up the mess from your Christmas celebration, eat leftovers and relax a bit after all of the Christmas ruckus... or take some of your holiday leftovers downtown and feed a bum. Your choice!

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